We each own nothing more valuable than our own story.

99.9% of us end up taking it to our grave, creating a monumental drain of human knowledge and capital in a world that can scarcely afford to lose it.  To paraphrase an African proverb, “When a person dies, a library burns down.”

Let’s do something about that.

When we are given the tools to tell our story, everyone wins.

When we are given the tools to tell our story, everyone wins. We, as the storyteller, gain a voice, self-knowledge, perspective, a means to heal past trauma and an opportunity to identify our place in the world. We, as the listener, gain insight, understanding, and community– realizing that we are not alone in our struggles. We are all in this together.

Stories are the foundation of all human communication and connection. If we realize this potential, each one of our personal stories is an essential stepping stone to building a better world from the ground up.

The Human Arc was formed to accelerate, empower and champion the telling of human stories, not just for the benefit of humanity but for the benefit of the individual telling that story.

True change, potential, healing and revelation is born in the heart of every individual at a cellular level when they discover who they are and who they’re meant to be.

As a fiscal sponsor, The Human Arc focuses on programs that accelerate and support transformational storytelling.

Our current work centers around youth programs including:

THIS IS ME helps teens learn to tell their story. The program is an innovative social-emotional learning curriculum for schools built around a guided verbal journaling app that captures personal stories on video.

Prodigy is a tribe for tomorrow’s top storytellers. The annual camps are intensive programs designed to help motivated young filmmakers and musicians use their power as storytellers to make the world a better place.

The 5000 Days Project is a longitudinal project started over 20 years ago. Through in-depth personal story mentoring, the project builds character and EQ while creating a priceless documentary of growing up.

Join our collective.

We welcome other storytelling initiatives– particularly those that bring voice to lesser heard voices from around the world.

If you or your organization have an aligning mission and would like to combine forces,

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